Fanposting, Gallerypilled

Scenes, etc. @ A.D. NYC

Maddie has four paintings on view at the group exhibition Scenes, etc. at A.D. (19 Monroe street). She told me the paintings were partly inspired by the opening shots of Chantal Akerman’s Pina Bausch tour film. Scenes, etc. closes 1/7/23.

Madeleine Braun with her paintings (Clockwise from top left: “Day Moves Body,” “Every-way over self,” “Walks through windows,” “Lately my body”)
Collin, Zoe & Terrence
Nick Sullivan (of A.D.)
George Gittens, “Profile no. 3”
Caroline Zurmely, “Clasp”
Caroline Zurmely, “Blue Satin II”
Caroline Zurmely “Brick Road”
I signed with my left hand
So-so noodle soup
Too late!!